vendredi 11 septembre 2009

So 2 nights ago, the day I signed my lease, something very uncomfortable happened. It all started when...A comes home from work, says he'll be eating dinner in town with a girl tonight, then promptly scampers off, like a nervous meercat. I say "Bon soiree," shrugg my shoulders and continue washing the dishes. I then try to meet up with 2 friends in town, which doesn't work out, no phone and too late. But, those luckies end up spotting A on his date- their response being a friendly wave, his being hmmm I'll look at their shoes and hope we don't make eye contact. Apparently, he had been pointing at things and talking to her as they walked down a busy street.

Later on, around 10 when I was fiddling with my stuff and luggage, A bursts in the door with his date. First of all he doesn't introduce us, we all just say hi "salut, salut, salut." Then he makes his way to the balcony with the alternate, less direct route through his bedroom. I guess he was trying to get her in the mood. Though, I don't think she fell for it cause I could hear them talking on the balcony within seconds. At this point I feel stuck- do I interrupt a moment of wooing and say bye, do I just leave, do I stay? Before I make a decision, he's already passed through his room (again, in obvious avoidance of me) and out the door with her, without saying anything, not even bye, fuck you... nothing. What's going on? Is he going to her place, are they going on a walk hoping I'll leave, what? So, I leave after they leave and spend the night at my new apartment. It's convenient that the day I started moving out he started dating this girl, a girl named Christmas (Noel) of all things. Haha.

Needless to say, I've been mostly at my apartment since then, though at this very moment I'm at his apartment, getting the last huge baggage I have, and probably saying goodbye to the internet for a while. I'm leaving him a bottle of strong liquor that he likes, it even comes with a little glass. I thought about some condoms as a joke, but, considering his reactions to everything else, I'm not. And I'll write him a nice note, thanking him for letting me stay, showing me around, all that. And I got a phone this morning, so I'll leave him a number too, in case he wants to move on from the awkward moment we experienced together.

Anyway last night I went to see Inglorious bastards, a mix of cringe and laugh, I really liked it.

O and how do I put photos on here?

2 commentaires:

  1. DIssss!@ quasimoto would never do that shiz to you- i cant wait til you get into your appartment and start getting late night scoliosis tinged gifts on your doorstep instead of scorn

  2. A sounds like kind of a D
