mardi 8 septembre 2009

So...catching up. Yesterday for example I ran into Elisa and 2 other Sewanee folk while I was in a phone place with a Jamaican girl I work with! I'm sure I'll be seeing her often when I actually move in my place and have a phone. Also, this past weekend I went to St. Nazaire with A, some of his friends and 2 other lectrices. It was so beautiful and I only got slightly sunburned for once in my life. And unlike I expected, I only saw one pair of overly tanned, exposed boobs and a mere handful of old hairy men in the exact same black and bulging speedo. Which reminds me, the weather here is mainly cloudless with some clouds and wind every now and then. But today was especially hot, (31 degrees C whatever that is in US..) so its good that I brought plenty of skirts to run all over town in, making inconsistent signatures on official documents.

I got some frustrating paperwork done today, like buying insurance, which is necessary to get the keys to my apart tomorrow. And then some more signatures here and there back and forth between the fac and centre ville. Oh the fac is what French people refer to as their university; conveniently it sounds like fuck. Also, an older, sage, American lectrice (who happens to have exactly the same name as me minus the ie part)'s explained what I signed up for at the bank, since I wasn't really listening when I opened an account. It actually ended up being 2, one a savings and I still don't know when my debit card and checkbook will magically become a part of my daily life. She also gave me some other really good advice about the carte de sejour I'll have to get, well, arrange an appointment for, really soon. And she gave me some insight about phone packages and stuff. I'm thinking I might get one that comes with an internet and television plan, because lately I've been watching tv with A-a good way to break silence-and also really good for learning French. Lots of the shows are dubbed American, like Desperate Housewives, CSI, NYPD blue?, Alf, etc. Well, I'm ti-ti as fac, gonna take a short rest before dinner with A then cheap wine with other co-workers.

4 commentaires:

  1. duude, who is A? you cant just say A without other letters to follow

  2. UGH i am trying to comment on this but it is all in danged french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it keeps deleting what I say! AGERHEITHIHG"!

  3. You little hussy, leaving your inconsistent signatures all over town.... I love ya and I'm glad to have this insight into that wistful mind of yours!

  4. awww, y'all! A=Alex, dude I temporarily stayed with. hmm, maybe i'll change the lang, i don't want your messages to be eaten...and there should be an application on this blog for sending you all delicious, virtual pastries
